First Time Pantheon


You know what’s the worst? Seeing someone totally kick ass with a champ, and then when you play, they turn out to be super boring for you.

Let me preface by saying I’m not a pro. I still have questions, especially since a lot of these champs, and by “a lot” I mean “most”, I haven’t really played myself. Only against, so most of my initial observations come from playing against them.

I’m still trying to figure out what kind of format I’d like to continue with here, so I’ll start with the game stats so you can get a better idea of what my experience was like:


3/4/14 | CS:  52 | 11k Gold | Win | 9 Towers, 0 Baron, 0 Dragon;  Built some AD, but mostly Armor to counter the build of  Kha’Zix that was top lane.
Note:  My CS is so low  because my smurf account is only a LVL 7 at this point. There is no jungler, so the common set up is two top. I was competing with a Wukong for CS. I’m not a really salty player, so if someone can farm better than me, I’ll just let them do it and stick next to them to get the experience.


What I liked:

I liked that he was able to block the next incoming damage. This includes turret shots! (Does anyone know if this applies to turrets that are in the enemies base with the continuous lasers?  I know it should apply for a at least a seconds worth of blocking, but surely not the entire time you’re in front of it?)

Because of that damage block, it was much easier to be brave. I was much less afraid of being squishy like with other champs. It was easy to provoke the enemy to try to poke and get them to waste a spell on you. With the newer people that I played against, it appeared they thought they did some kind of damage, because they sure like to dive right after hitting me with a shot.

What I disliked:

His animation for his E was kind of underwhelming. It looks a lot more like he was spitting at his enemies.

Because of the damage block, I found myself diving more often that I should have. It caused me to be less than 50 HP on more than 3 occasions before 20 minutes.

From what I recall of playing against Pantheon, he seems to really rack up on the assists. But LoL lists him as a fighter, and is typically played top. Garen, Lee Sin, Riven, and Illaoi are also fighters, so you would think he’d be able to  rack up some serious kills, like the rest of his fellow fighters. I suppose that just comes down to how you play him, though.

Well, he was kind of boring to play. I also have to admit that I never got to use his ult. I am ashamed to admit, but I couldn’t figure it out. You can’t use it while he’s running? Even if he’s in range, I couldn’t get it to initiate. I hope there’s not some weird trick to it. Point and click should be the only thing you have to do, like any other champ? I really fudged that one up. But it wasn’t all that clear on how to use it, so I’m counting this as a negative. Not fun, and I didn’t even get to enjoy an ult.



Well happy reading, folks.Cheers!